The last week before half term has been wonderful! Here are the highlights:
-We have been mark-making on CDs and foil using cotton buds and a PVA glue and paint mix.
-As part of our shape focus we introduced further shapes, including a semi-circle, pentagon and hexagon. We went on a shape hunt around the Fundino playground and the classroom!
-The children loved our bubble blowing activity this week and made some fantastic prints.
-Ms Grace shared an new IWB resource with the children. We joined a virtual tour of the Smithzonian Natural History Museum and looked at the dinosaurs there.
-The children have been interested in making sounds with pasta, so we added some different containers. The children filled them and shook them, talking about the different sounds they could hear.
After half term, we will be focusing on the story 'Shark in the park' by Nick Sharratt. Ms Grace shared this story with the children initially and since then they have been choosing to look at it in the book area.
-It is half term next week. We will return to school on Monday 28th October.
-Thank you to all of you who have posted weekend news and comments on your child's blogs this term. It would be great to have some holiday news as well from half term.
-A reminder that swimming days in F2 are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Swimming bags should go in the baskets which are placed outside the classroom. Please ensure that all towels and swimming kits have your child's name.