Wednesday, 18 December 2013

'It's Winter Time' performance

'It's Winter time' performance videos

'It's Winter Time' performance videos

Newsletter 18.12.13.

Dear Parents,

Please see below for photos of our Christmas events this week. Thank you for your support with our Christmas concert and Christmas party.  All of the teachers are very proud of how brave our children were yesterday and their amazing singing and dancing.  We will try again after the holiday.  After the performance, Father Christmas came to visit.  We will upload individual photos of Santa's visit onto each child's blog. We are saying goodbye to Benjamin this term as he and his family will be returning to the UK.  We wish them luck and will miss Benjamin.  We celebrated Pinky's birthday today in class.  Her birthday falls over the holiday.  Happy birthday Pinky!  Please upload photos of your holiday onto your child's blog, so we can share them in term 2.

Have a safe and relaxing holiday!

Ms Gurvinder, Ms Grace and the F2 team.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Newsletter 13.12.2013

Dear Parents,

We are very excited about the upcoming Christmas Music concert and we have been practising our songg and dance for all of you to see. Aside from the rehearsal, we have been doing lots of Christmas arts and crafts with help from Ms Charlie and our teachers.

Here are the highlights of our week in F2 :

Hello! We can't wait to perform for all of you!

Phuong Anh made a snowman gift bag which will be sold at the EYFS Christmas stall.

Ms Charlie teaching Sao Mai how to use a craft drill carefully.

Here's Selina drilling a hole on a stick.

Christmas in the classroom won't be complete without SNOW!!


* Children should come to school wearing their costumes ( GREEN for Girls and RED for boys). Party clothes in their bags so teachers can help them get changed afterwards.

Girls wear GREEN and Boys wear RED.
Please pick up your child on time. Thank you.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Newsletter 06.12.13.

Dear Parents,

As the end of term draws near, we have been getting ready for our EYFS Christmas show.  There have been lots of other exciting things going on to.  Here are the highlights:

-Ms Grace and I were very happy to see so many parents join us for our singing group times this week.  Thanks to all the parents that were able to come.  We will be sending you the song words for the songs we sang soon.  It was fantastic for the children to watch them in action!  We will invite parents in again in term 2 and hope you can all join us.

-We continued with our pirate theme and ended the week with a treasure hunt led by Ms Cheska and a pirate party.  Look out for the school newsletter article to find out more about what we got up to!

Icing cakes for our pirate party

Treasure hunt

Benjamin found a gold coin on the treasure hunt.

We have a new mud kitchen in the Fundino playground.


Stay and sing!

Chao enjoyed using the bucket to fill up the tub during our splash pool sessions.

Please note the following for the last few days of term:

-There will be no splash pool sessions as we will be getting ready for the EYFS performance.
-We will be having a Christmas party for the children on Tuesday 17th December.  A food sign up sheet will go up on the noticeboard outside the classroom.
-More details to follow soon for the EYFS Christmas performance.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Newsletter 29.11.13

Dear Parents,

As we draw closer to the end of term, children have been showing more confidence engaging in new activities at school. We have been doing various activities in different learning areas and we are very pleased with how enthusiastic they have been.

Children have started learning about Addition through various fun ways such as 'unifix' cubes and hand prints.

Ms Gurvinder also supported them in developing their 'mouse' skills on the computer. They have been 'dragging' and 'clicking' on pictures in the ICT game.Outside, children have had the opportunity to play tennis! They all loved it so we will be doing it again next week.

Check the photos below to see how fun it was this week!

Ms Charlie (Art Teacher) came to help children make some pirate hats.

Thien used the hand print to count the number Ms Grace had shown him.

Bill used the unifix cube to answer an addition number problem.

Tina tried her best to find the answer for the number problem.

These boys have been busy water painting the wooden blocks.

Selina and Victoria are all geared up for our Pirate party next week!

Please follow the link
to try this Maths game with your child at home.


Next week, we are going to continue on reading the book 'Pirates love Underpants' and to ensure that the children will have fun whilst learning, we are going to have a Pirate Party. This will be on Friday 6th December 2013.

We are opening the classroom to group of parents for 3 days next week to see us and learn the regular songs we sing in class. Sign-up sheets are posted on our Notice Board and we encourage each one of you to come and have fun with us!

Christmas is just around the corner and in EYFS tradition that means music concert! Children have been practising the songs we are going to perform and we are excited to show them to you. More information will be sent to you next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, 22 November 2013

Newsletter week ending 22nd November

Dear Parents,

We continued focusing on the children's home countries and learnt more about the UK, Canada and Switzerland.  We decorated rattan plates which will go on display in the Fundino playground next week. The children have been involved in lots of messy play activities this week to encourage them not to think of their hands as being 'dirty' when they play with materials such as paint and flour but as a fun hands on experience!
We also celebrated Thien's 4th birthday today.  Happy Birthday Thien!

Please see the photos below.

-We would like to remind you that school starts at 7.55 a.m.  We have noticed that some children are regularly arriving at 8.30.  We would like all our children to benefit from our school day and the activities we plan.  Children who arrive late often take longer to settle in and miss out on activities.

The children practised squeezing the handle to spray the paint.

During our splash pool sessions, the children built a structure and used water to push the balls along the pipes.

The children continued to practise writing numbers this week using number patterns.

It was Colin and Selina's turn to share their photos of visits to their home countries.

The children made pizza dough to use in the malleable area.

Ms Cheska worked with the children to make hand and foot prints on rattan plates.

The children made pancakes and tasted them with Canadian maple syrup- yum!

Some children decided the cars need to be washed!

We played with cornflour and fabric softener gloop.